My Story

I am a Certified Parent Coach through Connected Families & I also work in a hospital as a diagnostic medical sonographer.

As I mentioned I am a mom of six kiddos with one special angel awaiting me in Heaven. After losing my precious son Matthew at just 11 months old in 2022 due to complications with Dandy Walker Syndrome & simultaneously going through a divorce I was shattered. Dealing with my own grief and heartache was one thing, but trying to help my children figure out their own was another. My other son Alex, was struggling tremendously. He struggled with intense anger. My other kiddos struggled with ADHD, high-energy, and anxiety on top of their grief.

I was desperate and needed help. I wanted biblically sound counseling and resources. Connected families was just that and truly turned my life around. The tools and resources gave me the ability to help each one of my children in a unique way with keeping Christ at the center everything.

Almost three years later I have now become a coach myself and my husband Kevin and I are implementing the framework daily. It’s not perfect nor will it ever be however, I have learned to have grace with myself & with them and we are in a better place because of it. Our other five kiddos range from the age of one and half all the way to eleven. I have experience with trauma, grief, anger, ADHD, divorce, sensitive & intense, special needs and more.

Through this coaching journey I have also learned that I am sensitive and intense myself. I feel that God has used this in a way to allow me to be able to speak to parents that also struggle with things such as: perfectionism, OCD, over-stimulation, stress-cycles, fight/flight and more. I choose connected families because I knew, deep in my spirit that there was a better way. A healthier and more biblical way to parent. I wanted to break toxic generational patterns, ineffective discipline and see the transformation to being a healthy family. I invite you to join me on this transforming journey.